Mike DeWine & Jon Husted
Building a Better Future for the Buckeye State

Mike DeWine and Jon Husted are ready to reignite the American Dream, continue the growth of Ohio’s economy, and make our home a place we can all be proud of.
Vote Tuesday, November 6th!
Jobs and Economy

Lower Taxes.
More Jobs.
A Stronger Economy.
The current administration has done a good job of cutting burdensome taxes, reducing spending, and balancing legislative budgets.
Mike and Jon want to continue the trend of fiscal responsibility by making sure families keep more of their paycheck, reducing overbearing regulations on our businesses, and creating more jobs for hardworking Ohioans.
It is time we give our workers the chance they deserve, and make Ohioans believe in the American Dream again.
Public Safety

Tackling Ohio’s Safety Concerns
Mike and Jon both realize the need to not only recognize the concerns of families and Ohioans, but to also provide real, effective solutions to these problems.
The opioid crisis is one of the largest problems facing our state, and there is plenty more to do to attack this issue. Mike DeWine has proposed a twelve-point “Recovery Ohio” Plan to address the opioid crisis, including implementing large scale drug education for our students, doubling substance abuse treatment, and creating at least 60 more specialized drugs courts.
We can trust Mike and Jon to make the safety of our state a top priority so that we can live our lives with peace of mind.
Ohio Values

Homegrown Leadership
Both Mike DeWine and Jon Husted grew up right here in Ohio.
Mike was raised in Yellow Springs and learned the value of accountability, hard work, and how to be a strong leader. He and his wife, Fran, have proudly raised their eight children and 23 grandchildren here in Ohio with the hope of passing down these same values to future generations.
Jon was adopted and raised by a hardworking family in Montpelier, Ohio. Growing up, he was surrounded by faith, family, and the undying belief that he could do anything. As a leader, he wants to instill this same belief in everyday Ohioans.
As our neighbors, as one of us, they will work together to protect Ohio values, the American Dream, and build a future our children can look forward to.